

Concierge Mitigation Evaluations for legal teams & clients

Serving Greater Los Angeles & Virtual for California

Conservatorship Evaluations

Capacity Evaluations

Forensic Evaluation + Testimony

Competency Evaluations

Mitigation Evaluations

Fitness for Duty Evaluations

Mitigation Evaluations

Mitigation evaluations are required when seeking a reduced sentence in a legal case. These are risk assessments that help the courts determine if the individual evaluated is a good candidate for a less severe sentence. These evaluations are answering whether one of the following is present in the case:

  • Does the individual being charged suffer from a mental health disorder?

  • Did the mental health disorder play a significant role in the crime that the individual is charged with?

  • Do the individual’s symptoms (that motivated the criminal behavior) respond to mental health treatment?

  • Does the individual agree to comply with the mental health treatment required as part of the diversion program?

  • Does the court agree that this individual is not an unreasonable risk to the public?

Legal teams or individuals requesting a mitigation Evaluation:

We conduct these risk assessments using the following information:

  • Clinical interview with the individual

  • Review of legal, medical, and mental health records

  • Psychological testing and assessment results

  • Collateral information from family members, community members, past treatment providers, etc

Our team of forensic psychologists customize the Mitigation Evaluation, based on consultation with the referring attorney. Please reach out to our office to begin consultation.


Concierge Service

Our practice offers concierge testing services for Mitigation Evaluations. Because our clients might have a difficult time navigating technology or transportation to meet in an office, we will come to you! Concierge services are available within Los Angeles County.

Are you an attorney?

We work with many attorneys throughout Los Angeles and Orange County to determine whether their clients meet the legal requirements for a diversion program or mitigated sentence. If you would like for us to evaluate your client, please reach out to our office here.