
Get clearance for your high-risk job with a Fitness-for-Duty Evaluation

Serving Greater Los Angeles and Orange County

Conservatorship Evaluations

Capacity Evaluations

Forensic Evaluation + Testimony

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Mitigation Evaluations

Fitness for Duty Evaluations

Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations

Are you a prospective firefighter or police officer in need of psychological evaluation? These jobs are high-stress and high-risk and your future employer wants to know that you can handle the pressure. Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Police Department, and Los Angeles Fire Department all require all prospective employees to receive an extensive psychological evaluation from a qualified professional (that’s us!).

Here’s what you can expect from a fitness-for-duty Evaluation:

Schedule a free consultation.

We discuss your needs and the department in which you are seeking employment. This will help us determine what specific testing protocol we use in your evaluation.

Interview and review of records:

An individual can expect a thorough review of the following records:

  • Any previous police reports, etc

  • Mental health records

  • Medical records

  • School records

  • Any other record that might be related to the case

Along with a records review, the forensic psychologist will also perform an extensive interview with the individual. These interviews last an average of 2.5 hours and sometimes we conduct a 2nd interview with follow-up questions.

Psychological Assessment & Testing:

We use validated and well-researched methods of psychological assessment to answer the question of how a person is functioning. These tests measure for personality, emotional intelligence, stress management and informational processing.

When we have completed the testing, interviews, and records review, we write a helpful and comprehensive report outlining our findings. This report will be provided to the department in which you are applying.

Are you an attorney needing an evaluation for your client?

If you’d like our team of psychologists to evaluate your client for Fitness-for-Duty or Return to Work evaluation, please reach out to our office here. We can provide a comprehensive list of our protocols and testing strategies to answer your question. All of our protocols are customized based on the client’s needs.