Learn about ADHD and other psychological assessments
Harnessing Your Superpower: How ADHD Coaching can Amplify Your Strengths
Those with ADHD present with an often overlooked set of strengths and challenges. With insight, education, and coaching, those with ADHD can learn to harness their unique wiring for their benefit. One of the most rewarding pursuits I get to participate in as a clinical psychologist is helping neurodiverse individuals unlock their incredible potential through executive functioning coaching. This coaching is an empowering tool that can help individuals channel their ADHD superpowers effectively.
How ADHD can be your superpower
While ADHD can present its fair share of challenges, it's important to recognize that this unique wiring can also be a strength. I sometimes find that the name attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a bit of a misnomer, because when correctly understood, it is less of a disorder and more of a superpower, providing individuals with a distinct advantage in various aspects of life.
How ADHD Testing can help your teenager
As a clinical psychologist, I understand that parenting a teenager comes with its unique set of challenges. It's a time of rapid growth and self-discovery, but it can also be a period of frustration and confusion, especially if your teen is struggling with attention and focus. Today we are going to focus on the importance of considering ADHD testing for your teenager, and how it can be a crucial step in supporting their well-being and future success.
Is It Anxiety or ADHD?
Is it anxiety or ADHD? Both conditions, while distinct, can sometimes present with overlapping symptoms, making it essential to understand their unique characteristics. Curiosity is the first step in disentangling these two similar conditions, and a thoughtful assessment with a psychologist can help you arrive at an accurate diagnosis.
The Genetics of ADHD: Is It Inherited?
As a clinical psychologist, I often encounter families seeking to understand the origins of ADHD within their lineage. The question that frequently arises is whether ADHD is a hereditary trait. In this blog, we'll explore the intricate interplay between genetics and ADHD, aiming to provide insights with warmth, empathy, and a deeper understanding of this complex phenomenon.
How ADHD Testing Can Help
When most people think of ADHD, they think of hyperactive children who have difficulty focusing on school work. While most diagnoses of ADHD are made in childhood, and the presence of symptoms during development is part of the diagnostic criteria, many people don't receive a diagnosis or treatment until they reach adulthood.