Want to see how we test for ADHD?

Here’s an inside peek at our ADHD evaluation. It’s free!

 Do I have ADHD?

This is one of the most common questions we hear in therapy. You might find yourself distracted, frustrated with your lack of progress on projects and tasks, and worried about the ways their distraction is impacting their future.

A potential diagnosis of ADHD might even be causing stress in your relationships because your partner is tired of having to remind you, keep you on task, and feeling disconnected while you are in your own head.

This is normal for someone with ADHD and we are here to help you figure out if this diagnosis fits for you.

Our trained psychologists that walk you through each step of the testing process and help you identify the worrisome symptoms you might have and the impact of your distraction on your everyday life, and then we start the testing.

After collecting all the data, crunching the numbers, you’ll be provided with really helpful feedback and a report with very specific ways you can manage your distraction and hyperactivity. You can also take this report to your school or work in order to receive accommodations, extra testing time, or even an office setup that helps you thrive.

We are here to help! Get scheduled for your consultation with a psychologist today.